Friday, June 22, 2012

29 weeks

How far along: 29 Weeks
Baby's size: About 17 inches, 3.1 lbs!  The size of a butternut squash!
Sleep:  sleeping a little better lately, but also been getting to bed later.  I tend to wake up more frequently in the hours before midnight, and then about twice before my alarm goes off (usually 2-3, and 4-5)
Maternity Clothes:  yes!  skirts, dresses... thank you target, old navy and thrift stores!
Food cravings:   doing pretty good, enjoying peanut butter a lot lately!
Food aversions:   nothing 
Symptoms I have:  I've had a little more energy this week, exercised a little more, changed my diet a bit (more to come on this!)
Doctor’s Appointment: Glucose testing was a bust :-(  Have to start monitoring my glucose levels and tracking my diet!  (again more to come on this)
Movement: Baby is most active at night... or maybe I just feel it more when I'm laying down!  Feeling little kicks, can feel baby rolling around, changing positions!  It's amazing and weird!
Belly Button:   soooo stretched!  still an innie!
Gender:  the great mystery!!!
What I’m looking forward to:  thinking a lot about how exciting it will be when baby is born and the dr announces "it's a  _____!!!!"
What I miss:   other than sleep...nothing much!  Feeling blessed and so excited that baby will be here soon!!!

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