Thursday, August 16, 2012

37 weeks, full term!

How far along: 37 Weeks
Baby's size: About 19 to 22 inches, 6.5 lbs! The size of a watermelon! 
Sleep:No real changes, still up 2-3 times a night.
Maternity Clothes: no changes, still able to wear maxi empire waist dresses and skirts
Food cravings: been craving chocolate A LOT lately!!!
Food aversions: no changes
Symptoms I have: Back has been killing me the last two days.  And I've been having more frequent braxton hicks... not too painful just annoying and uncomfortable!
Doctor’s Appointment: tomorrow Friday, 8/17!  
Movement: Baby is still super active!  I thought it would slow down at this point given baby's size, but I guess there's still room in there to move around!!!  Although I will say that the movements are much more prominent now!
Belly Button: no change, I don't think my timer will pop!
Gender: the great mystery!!!
What I’m looking forward to:  As much as I have really enjoyed being pregnant, I am looking forward to getting back to my normal size and not carrying this watermelon around inside me ;-)

Total weight gained as of 37 weeks:  29 lbs!

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