How far along: 35 Weeks
Baby's size: About 19 to 22 inches, 6 lbs! The size of a large cantaloupe! Last Friday's ultrasound showed baby at 4 lbs 14 oz.!!!
Sleep: You guys! I slept 4 straight hours the other night!!! From 11:30-3:30! It was glorious!!!
Maternity Clothes: loving my empire waist maxi dresses!
Food cravings: still on a fruit kick! Eating lots of veggies and hummus!
Food aversions: nothing to complain about!
Symptoms I have: Hips still ache at night from sleeping on my sides. Feeling like I need to hold my belly up when standing and walking around. Other than a few aches here and there I am feeling great!!!
Doctor’s Appointment: OB appt tomorrow, follow up on ultrasound results and how the GD is going.
Movement: According to the ultrasound baby is head down, ready to go! Baby still loves to move around, I can feel little hand movements in the fold of my hips! and twists and turns of little legs in my upper abdomen!
Belly Button: is so close to popping out!!!
Gender: the great mystery!!!
What I’m looking forward to: Really getting excited to meet my little baby!

my swollen feet/ toes
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