How far along: 31 Weeks
Baby's size: About 19 inches, 3.9 lbs! The size of a head of lettuce!
Sleep: no real changes, still up 2-3 times a night. Started having leg cramps and have to change positions frequently, which wakes me up in between bathroom runs!
Maternity Clothes: thankful that it's summer, and that summer in Seattle means upper 60's to mid 70's! Although, we're suppose to get a heat wave over the next few days - 80's!!! TG we bought ourselves an air conditioner!!!
Food cravings: still craving fruits, which I have to limit because of the GD :-( That and milkshakes... can't have those at all really!!!
Food aversions: still good! still liking all the foods I typically do!
Symptoms I have: swollen feet and hands (no longer able to wear my wedding or engagement rings), difficulty breathing occasionally (as uterus and baby get bigger my lungs are cramped), achy lower back.
Doctor’s Appointment: follow up with nutritionist and OB went great!!! My blood sugars are in check, no concern at this point! Just need to continue to stay on track with diet (no fruits in the morning, balanced meals 3 times a day, 3 snacks a day) Next OB appt on the 20th (Z will have to miss this one as he'll be up on the mountain astro hunting!), and ultrasounds scheduled for 7/27!!!!
Movement: Baby is very active!!! At the fam's over the holiday, everyone could see my belly bouncing around as baby kicked!!! Baby's kicks and movements have mostly been in my lower abdomen, in the past few days baby has moved up and I'm feeling baby more above my belly button now!
Belly Button: still an innie, still very stretched!
Gender: the great mystery!!!
What I’m looking forward to: Enjoying a milkshake after baby is born! Is that bad?!?! ;-)
What I miss: sleeping through the night
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