How far along: 34 Weeks
Baby's size: About 19 to 22 inches, 5.5 lbs! The size of a large cantaloupe! We find out tomorrow an exact estimate of how big our little one is! Yay! Can't wait!
Sleep: still up a few times during the night for potty ;-) Sleeping on my sides these days, surrounded by many pillows.
Maternity Clothes: elastic, love elastic!
Food cravings: still craving fruits mostly and chocolate... partly because I can't have very much of either and mostly fruits because it's summer and everything is so fresh and in season!
Food aversions: nothing to complain about!
Symptoms I have: My hips ache a little in the night from sleeping on my sides. I've had a little abdominal aches similiar to menstraul cramps - which I think are related to baby's growth spurt that is happening! Happy to say I've not had any stretch marks yet :-) knock on wood! Although I can feel that my skin is stretching because my belly itches here and there!
Doctor’s Appointment: Ultrasound tomorrow! Cannot wait to see how our little one has grown!!!
Movement: Baby is soooo active! Still prefers to hitch their little body on my right side! Funny to look down and see my belly all contorted! Still feeling kicks in my lower abdomen, hoping baby flips around here soon!
Belly Button: this past week my belly button has almost fully popped out! Mostly just the upper lip popping, but I think we are close to full popage ;-)
Gender: the great mystery!!!
What I’m looking forward to: Seeing baby on the next ultrasound!!!
photo bombed by Sabrina!